Monday, May 26, 2008

'aint no sunshine...

there was a touching performance that i was lucky to watch last night at a theatre space on hamra street called masrah el madina. it was called a 'corps perdu' which means 'to a lost body' in French. it was about a man who was killed as a bystandered during one of the nasty bombs that assassinated him here in Beirut last year. many here were terrified by these nasty random explosives that went of one after another and are still disgusted by what took place.
the performance was touching, moving, heavy, intense, vivid,and absolutely BEAUTIFUL!
the man which this performance speaks about was passing through a region of Beirut when a bomb spontaneously went off. he was living in London apparently and decided to come back to live in his Lebnan and soon after his arrival was killed... there was a touching vigil heald at the end of october for him just after the tragedy ... we were all in white and carrying candles walking from Biel through downtown beirut. may yesterday be a trully new page that will slowly bring prosperity to the entire region. khalas ba'ah!

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