This morning…
As I gaze at the hairs protruding form his chest, a nest reminding me of the nature of our existence. A beauty often denied the owner, forgetting of our savage nature. Reordered and institutionalized by the technology and construct that surrounds our everyday existence; this the reason for which we are great and ‘far superior’ to any of the other ways of life. Be it the humble Buddhist or the simple bushman, Native American or aboriginal. Our ego is what has driven us to erect the highest tower, to make the greatest discovery and to be the best that we can strive to be. But are we not forgetting what we came form. Who our natural selves have now become? The man in the cave, the woman picking and gathering goods for the survival of their own. Since we have proven the fittest…for but now that is. When one day the forces of our world will once again remind us of our roots. It will be too late once we’ve remembered and we’ll be moaning and grinding in our haste, a crude and naive suffering. Denial has always been at comfort with the masses as we know how ignorance is bliss and we crave comfort in front of a warm fire.
But the buildings and the massive highways and the erect shuttles, trains and fast cars. Have none of them been the reminder of what we deserted. This desire for more money and bigger spaces is for what? How did it feel to be the Homo sapiens? What existence did he leave behind and to where have we taken it? Homo Sapiens Sapiens the later of which has caused such destruction. Overpopulation, disparity, too much food but not enough full bellies, religious disdain, political might, now the environmental plight.
It’s a pity. We have in the mean time lost so much. Innate sprit, bond with the earth, the naked body, the beautiful space, animals alongside us, and now? We compete with our surrounding nature trying to revert the harm our ancestors handed us, but not on a silver platter. Greater is the man who has sat in his place while minding others and preserved life than any man who has climbed the greatest mountain or achieved …
Technological destruction, hospitals=survival, chemicals & weaponry=death…where else are we heading
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